The No No’s of breaking up A Dating Relationship
1.Don’t do it over a text, email or leave a phone message. It is not classy. It screams to the world “you are a coward!” And you are not. You are brave and honest
2.Don’t break up in front of other people.
3. Don't do it on their birthday.
4Don't make a video of your break up speech and put it on YouTube. It may be creative but class.
5.Don't promise that maybe you will get back together again or that you just need space when the truth is you are "done". If it is over then it is over. Saying stuff like " its not you , its me",lines like that leave them wondering what they could have done differently. That is not cool. You are not uncool. Don't forget that.
6. Think about what you need to say and DO NOT say more then is helpful. All your words are not going to make it better.Going on and on about how things are not working out is not going to make it hurt less. You DO need to make sure they understand though. That is it.
7. Be nice. You do not need to put them down or be disrespectful to them. You do not want to be the reason they start seeing a counselor tomorrow!
8. Timing is important. If you feel like things are not working out and you have knot in your stomach, then don't put it off. If however their favorite Uncle just died that day, wait at least a bit! Not too long though.
9.Make very sure that the only person they are hearing from about your intentions of breaking up is YOU. Whatever you do, no facebook status' announcing it to the world. Whatever the reason you are breaking up, maybe they cheated on you. Don't stoop down to that level. It won't take the hurt out by hurting them back.
10. Before you go and deliver your breaking up news, take some time to pray and forgive this person for the wrongs done or wherever you feel disappointed. You will save yourself from sounding bitter and you will be able to think more clearly. Bitterness and unforgiveness does get in the way of hearing and speaking well.
Breaking up a dating relationship is not fun. How you do it however says alot about you. Be as kind as you are able but clear. If the relationship is abusive for SURE, get out of it. You deserve to be treated with love and kindness. Don't settle for less.
I always go to Jesus for wisdom and guidance for all things. I encourage you to go to Him also. He has all the wisdom and courage you need. Invite Him to come along. He is my strength and my Good Shepherd on the good and days and the bad. He is willing to be all that and more to you as well. You need to ask Him.