Donna Lea Dyck

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Hollywood Secrets?

Hollywood promotes creams that replace botox. They promote eating styles that will change your life. If you are miseralbe today, the solution might be expensive, but it is for sale. 

The struggles of the heart are many and varied no matter how old you are. People long to feel accepted and know they matter. There is no diet that will do that, nor a face-cream that will usher this reality to anyone. No one loves you more because you changed your face-cream or how you eat (if you eat badly, your body may thank you!).

I remember well, trying to "fit in" at school. It is not easily done if you lack confidence to say hello and just ask questions of the people around you- "how are you?" and really mean it. If you feel stupid and think that no one wants to talk to you, that is a problem.

For me, what finally made the difference was pretty simple. I came to be ok with just being me. In Alateen I learned the Serenity Prayer which says " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." I looked at the kids in my class and what cool looked like, they smoked and drank. I tried the smoking thing. I did not much like it. I honestly thought it was stupid. The drinking thing just looked plain awful. I heard about the throwing up and people that did things they regretted- or could not remember it. None of it sounded very cool to me. 

So, I went for something different. I chose humour and kindness. I could manage both of those pretty well and it worked. Even if you are not funny but can tell a good story, that helps. My husband Bill was not the funniest guy on the planet. He learned a funny joke every week. He even practised it in his head so he could tell it given the opportunity. Sounds silly, but it worked. As for being kind, just genuinely caring for people who ever they are , is a big deal. 

Be patient. Hollywood offers a lot of empty solutions. Their quick fixes are not fixes but lies. They won't really help you. It is surface stuff. 

God made you just the way you are. Go look in the mirror and make a decision. You are you, no one else can be you or do exactly everything you do. You will be able to help people that I never could or anyone else for that matter. You are important. Your life matters today. In Psalm 139:14 says you are "fearfully and wonderfully made". Today you will accept all kinds of lesser things as truth, why not accept this important one. You are made wonderfully! Now that is good news!