Donna Lea Dyck

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Seeing Life Through 3 Year Old Eyes

Watching a little girl walk onto a psychiatric ward is a lesson I will never forget. I am immediately struck by the suffering I see, the brokenness, the little girl just sees people. 

A woman rolls by, she is quite overwieight and not really engaged with reality as far as I can see. The little girl stops, as the woman rolls herself by, she says "hello" but there is no response and the woman stares at her. The little girl only has a smile and waves good bye. 

She is off to her next adventure. She hears a man groaning in the room a few doors down from the barn and three sheep picture. She puts her little finger in front of her mouth and whispers " be very quiet, the man is sleeping". Concern for him has filled her heart.

A man begins playing the piano in the T.V. room and he is singing a song that is from around 1940. Clearly he did not make his living as a musician. The little girl goes and stands at the door. She thinks he is amazing. She comes and tells us that the man is making music. Later this same man comes and talks to the three year old- he has two eyes that look in two very different directions. She does not notice. When he asks " Did you like the music?" She said a definitive "Yes". 

I am deeply struck by her view of the people that surrond her. She sees that they are peeple, their struggles do not change her view of them though some of the behavior is odd at times. I have learned with effort to do similarly. It helps that my mother was a psychatirc nurse and a very good one. She taught me that they are people and their challenges do not define who they are. 

Jesus says in Luke 18:16-17 “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

It is a great challenge we all face daily- to love through three year old eyes. May the love of God fill our hearts and enable us to love as He does.