The Priority Switch
I have been a pastors’ wife for almost 33 years. I remain surprised that God chose me for this as I have so often felt unqualified. Today when I was reading the scriptures this verse jumped out at me: “Jesus turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns!’” Mathew 16: 23.
I know... weird hey? I took time to talk this over with God this morning and asked Him what was up with this verse. Why are you pointing it out to me? Wasn’t this just to Peter, surely it could not be about me too? Peter was not interested in seeing Jesus die on the cross, he did not understand the big picture or God’s purposes. It took a while for me to understand where the Spirit was going with this!
In ministry, and I am sure it is true for all of us, it is not hard to get God’s priorities and mine mixed up. It is easily done in this “me first”, “you matter” culture we live in. We do for sure matter to God but that does not mean we put our goals or agendas ahead of God’s.
I remember years ago, we had this person who would play the drums and it drove me batty. I was complaining to God about it during a service. You see, I usually sit at the front beside my husband, so the drums were especially loud in our small space. Do you know what the Lord said to me?! “Move to the back”. I seriously could not believe it. That was not what I was expecting Him to say.
Today, the Lord just gave me a gentle nudge reminding me that His agenda and mine are not always the same. I wonder if you can relate somehow to what I am saying here. I asked the Lord to show me where in my life I have gotten my priorities and His mixed up and I’m working already to straighten things out.
Dear Father,
I know You have priorities and so do I. Forgive me when mine get in the way of what You have planned and want to have happen. Give me wisdom to respond as I should when You tap me on the shoulder this next week. Thank you, Father,
In Jesus Name,