It is amazing the freedom some people have to say whatever they want, whenever they want. Sometimes, it is no big deal…. But others, it is quite the opposite.
Our words can have three different effects, one can breathe life, and one can suck the life right out of you…. Some can leave you unchanged.
It is hard to know what to say in every circumstance. Let it be said, sometimes silence is the best option.
We live in a culture where silence is not very popular. I remember a story my husband Bill told me. He was a very young man at the time. He arrived at a very remote reserve in Northern Manitoba. He knew not a soul. To his utter delight a knock came to the door of his humble cabin. There before him stood a grandfather with his grandson. These guests had come for a visit. Bill was full of questions and noted very quickly however, that they had not come to talk. Just share his company. Silence followed for the next 30 minutes. The old fellow got up and said “ thank you for the nice visit. We will come back”. Then they left.
To be honest with you, silence is not my strong suit. I know however, there are sometimes, when that is simply what is best. Learning to be good with just silence. Wow, what a challenge. It is something to think about anyway. Even silence can be life giving.
When the times for words to be spoken do come, may they be well chosen and may there be just enough and no more.
“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12: 18.