A Different kind of Workout

   “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:12,13

 There is a certain pleasure parents experience when they come in through the door to find that their kids have done exactly as they were asked in their absence. I think of moments like those as the victory moments as a parent. 

 As I reflect on Philippians 2:12-13, Paul is encouraging us, even when he is not around, to work hard to prove our salvation and it is not something that is done casually, rather in fear and trembling.

 In this passage, I think of those seasons in my life when I have walked through deep valleys, or times when I have just been racked with unanswered questions and prayers. The conversations I have had with God in those seasons are, I believe, the ones that caused the roots of my faith to grow deeper in that soil of salvation. On the one hand I have trusted God with outcomes but on the other, I have wrestled deeply and even had to work hard.  There is nothing about this process that allows me to be passive though it is God who is at work.  Our faith is seldom passive.

 The things that God has begun in me engage me to the depths of my being.  Learning to love as He loves, to forgive generously, to pray without ceasing, to give thanks in all circumstances all are deeply challenging, issues in which I am deeply involved and simply flow out of the fact that I belong to Him. 

 Anyone who wants to build muscle, knows they cannot go to the gym just to walk around and look at the weights.  They must pick them up and do the hard work of repetitions that are painful and leave one exhausted afterwards.  It’s the same with our faith.  It is not developed on the bleachers.  No passivity here.

 Dear Father,

Thank you that You are at work in my life to fulfil Your purposes.  I want to keep step with You.  Help me apply myself in faithful obedience to these very things.  Forgive me for being passive, thinking You would do it all.  I trust You. 

 In Jesus name


Talking about an All-inclusive!

It's winter in Canada and it is very chilly, even in Toronto. Winter is my least favorite season. I do try to make the best of it, Reading good books, seeing friends and family, but I admit I really look forward to spring!

Last year Bill and I had the privilege of going to an all-inclusive in Jamaica. It was incredible! We can't do it this year though as we have a wedding coming up–and those are never cheap! 

This morning, I was reading Psalm 23 in the NLT version. In the first verse it reads: “The Lord is my shepherd, and I have everything I need”. Jesus is the ultimate all -inclusive. He sees down the road and around the corner where I cannot see. He has the power to move the mountains that have me overwhelmed and sometimes hopeless. When I lack wisdom, He has everything I could possibly need to know if I wait on Him and on His speaking voice. He offers peace in the storms, and He's willing to bear all my burdens. He offers his constant presence, and forgiveness for the times I blow it. The Lord is indeed my Shepherd and in Him I have everything I need. He is all that I have mentioned and so much more.

It is easy to forget just how all-inclusive our God is. He offers to you whatever it is you need today. He is not stingy. He loves you and He knows exactly what you're going through at this moment in your life. He sees all your disappointments; He hears that sigh that no one else notices. Come to Him today in all the sorrow or the disappointments that you bear, and He will meet you.

Dear Father,

Thank you that you are all that I need today. Thank you for walking with me. Not only that, but you will also guide me and provide for me everything that I need. I rest in you even though things aren't all resolved or rosy in my life. I know you will work it out in your time and in your way. Thank you.

In Jesus name,


When life throws us a curveball.


John 16:33 says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

 When challenges come to us, fear is often nearby. We don’t see the solution. We only see the mountain that stands before us and have no idea how in the world we are going to navigate it.

 A week ago, on a beautiful, sunny day, I took my dog, Penny, for a walk.  Everything was going as perfectly, when something suddenly spooked her and she jumped in front of me.  I fell down and heard a crack in my arm.  Lying there in pain, with Penny jumping around wondering what was wrong, I called to people walking by for help, but they ignored me.. I was able to call Bill but he had difficulty finding me.  This was going very badly.  Eventually he located me, cleaned me up and took me to the hospital.  The x-ray showed it all – a broken  humerus in my left arm, and I am left handed.  A special sling and alot of pain day and night, praying that I won’t need surgery.  That was a rough day.

 Days of trouble come to us all.  Surely Jesus can bring some good out of this suffering?  Well..here is what happened.

*I was able to pray for 2 different people in the ER that day

* One of my sons was home all week to help me and I needed a lot of it!

* Others came by just to visit.  I have not been alone.

* My arm is healing perfectly

* I have long periods of time, especially at night, to listen to the Scriptures that wash over me and bring refreshing

* I have time to pray for many people.

* My kids keep checking in on me; this has been a huge hi-light, just to talk with them

* I feel God’s presence; His peace is strong in me.

*Knowing the peace of Christ in the midst of the storm has been wonderful.

 John 14:27 says "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid". 

 In any bad day, God gives grace to us.  Days of trouble are days where He is near and will help us.  His presence is our comfort and strength.  It is not true that we suffer alone.  Perhaps today you are facing your own unexpected battles. I pray that the peace of Christ will be yours. 

 Dear Father,

Thank you for the promise of peace in the storms and the troubles that we face. May You grant to each one the measure of peace needed at this very moment. Thank you.

 In Jesus’ name




No Time Stamps!

 I've been thinking a lot about seniors these days. Some of them are just so unwell and it is to assume: “I guess that's all part of getting older.” The question I have rolling around in my mind is: is that true? When I think of scriptures like “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and they shall mount up with wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31) I see no timestamp on that promise.

 I remember years ago there was a friend that Bill and I had, he was 90 years old. He woke up one morning and put on his glasses and he couldn't see properly. He thought they must be his wife’s glasses, so he went and found the other pair and put those on and it was still just as foggy! Then when he took the glasses off, he realized that in the night, God in his kindness had touched his eyes and healed him! When he died in his late 90’s, he had 20/20 vision!

 I also remember at church, there was a woman who had to be in her mid 80s and was caring for her disabled son. She suffered such severe pain in her hips and asked us to please pray for her, which of course we did. God touched that sweet woman, and restored her completely and she walked out of there with no pain.

 James 5:13-16 says: “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up”. Again, when I look at this passage from James 5 nowhere does it say: “except for when you're over a certain age don't bother”.

 Isaiah 46:4 says “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” I think this is my new favorite Bible verse in the whole Bible. It reminds us that God does not forget us regardless of age. I have several older people in their 80s and 90s who are struggling but I ask God almost daily for strength for healing to restore hope in their lives.

 I think the whole point I want to make today is this: if you have people that are elderly and struggling, don't stop asking God for healing and everything else that they need in their lives just because they're old. The promises of God have no age limit, He sees these dear people and He cares deeply for their struggles.

 One of the great struggles people have in prayer is that they lose faith. After praying for so long, many will give up hope and accept that because the one they are praying for is old, and these struggles just come with the territory, there’s no need to keep praying.  Yet as we consider the scriptures I mentioned (as well as more through the scriptures) we can see that there are no timestamps or limitations on God’s words, so why not ask Him for healing?  Even if God chooses to not heal entirely, but insteads grants a blessing, God is always wonderful, whatever that looks like in each one of our lives. Prayer is never a waste of time. We can ask God for healing until the Lord tells us to stop.

 Dear Father,

Thank you that you hear us when we pray. I think of some of these dear older folks in my life who fight so hard in life, but I pray in Jesus’ name you would put a new song in their hearts–a song of praise to their God who has walked with them, who is with them, whose promises are still true. Will you restore them and their hope I ask in Jesus’ name, for I know that with you nothing is impossible!

Thank you father, in Jesus’ name




A Work in Progress

As I was reading a book this past week, something the author said caught my attention. “Progress, Not Perfection”.  As I think back to some of the goals, and resolutions I made earlier in January ,I already know that I have not managed to hold to all of them. Some things on that list I may have figured out, but not too many. Habits that we spend years cultivating, are not easy to break, and neither are creating new ones.

 When I read this statement, “Progress and not perfection”, it got me thinking - wouldn’t it be wonderful to celebrate progress instead of quitting all together?

 The apostle Paul said, “Not that I have already attained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own because Christ has made me His own.” (Phil 3:12) We have not arrived, nor will we in this life.  But that doesn’t mean we don’t press on.  That we’re moving in the right direction is all important.  Imperfection marks everything that we do.  All our works are imperfect, as are our prayers.  We don’t see fully in anything, nor do we perceive things perfectly.  This should birth humility and dependence on God in us.  But it doesn’t necessarily.  It could also raise up deepest feelings of frustration because we feel we are not far enough along the way.  The expectation that we should be perfect can, in that case, only create unrest in us and in those around us.  Perfection will come one day, but it’s not today.

 This attitude helps us be a lot more gracious with other people too whose imperfections can drive us crazy.  Acknowledging progress in them will build a bridge and breathe confidence into them.  Demanding perfection of them can only crush and discourage them. 

 I have managed to be consistent in my exercise program that I discovered. The woman who designed it was a ballerina during her working years. She is 75 years old! Most classes like this are led by women who are in the 20-30’s. I found it inspirational. I also have finally given myself permission to do the workouts for the 60-year-olds. I have come to the place where, I don’t have to impress anyone. I just need to show up and do it.

 I am learning to extend grace to myself when I fail at being a remarkable older lady. Some days though, I am amazed at what is accomplished and I know that God has helped me. We belong to Jesus.  His sacrifice completes everything we do and makes every effort, every offering, every work acceptable even though from our point of view, it seems so imperfect.  That is some cheery news for a cold January day!

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for completing every work that I do in Your name and accepting my imperfect offerings. Thank you for giving me rest and enabling me to celebrate progress.  I delight in You and thank you for your incredible mercy.  

In Jesus Name,


New Every Day!

I was trying to think up something great about January I actually like, outside of it being my oldest son’s birthday! I am going to be honest with you - January is a tough month for me. Today, my husband, Bill, encouraged me to ask God what is something great about January. I thought it sounded a little ridiculous, but while I was out slipping and sliding, walking my dog, Penny, I did ask God.

 Right away, I was reminded that January is the start of a brand-new year - an opportunity for new and even unexpected things. Also, He gently reminded me that every day, even in January, His mercies are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23 declares, “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh every morning.”

 This is good news to read on a blistery cold winter day. The mercies of God are new.  We may have blown it badly, but in His love, He wipes the slate clean so we can start over again. I love that His love is described as faithful, something else we can count on. The news has been a hard read for many of us these days, for various reasons, but this truth remains. His faithful love is unchanging. Love pays attention to our fears and that is good news! God’s faithfulness is indeed great! More good news! His great faithfulness endures regardless of what we read or the wind that howls outside. God is faithful. He does not promise easy or straightforward paths as we all know, but we can count on His great faithfulness to see us through whatever is before us.

 This past week, I received news from my doctor; nothing horribly bad, but it bothered me. It made me feel like I was old and falling apart. Then, if that was not enough, Bill had to measure my height because we need new passports, and I shrank an inch!! Now I am 5 foot 2 if I am being completely honest!

 Reading over these verses today encouraged my heart as I know what was true in the middle of a warm sunny day in summer is also true on a cold blustery day in January. That is better news!

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for the good news we read in Lamentations 3. Thank you for your love, faithfulness and your mercies that are new every single day. I pray that you would renew in each of us, whatever is needed today. Thank You Father, for good news even on a wintery January day.


In Jesus Name,




God Will Work it out, NOT me!

One Simple Practice I do when Fear or Sadness Over a Loved One Grips my Heart!A few days ago, once again I found myself in the room that, for me, has two names on it: one is worry and the other is despair. Both of these emotions were tugging at my heart. 

 As I watch some of my loved ones make decisions that disappoint me or worry me, many thoughts keep automatically replaying in my mind. I dream up conversations I would love to have but know I won’t. Maybe there are times where I can speak up, but most often I know my role is to pray.  Perhaps you can relate? There is a song I heard the other day called “ God Will Work It Out” sung by Maverick City if you want to give it a listen. God soothed my heart through listening to it. 

 The Lord reminded me very clearly the other day, to be careful where I let my eyes rest, AND to remember where I need to put my trust. I have learned through some dark seasons, to double check when worry has a hold on me. I have found great comfort in these verses from Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” This verse clearly and simply gives us very wise advice. Trust in the Lord, not people and don’t assume anything. We don’t know what God is truly doing at this moment in our loved one’s lives. He is asking for whole-hearted trust; I can only trust God wholeheartedly when I truly believe He is more than able. I also love Ephesians 3:20 that says: “Now to Him who IS ABLE to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us.” 

 It is very easy to become discouraged and lose heart, especially when the season/situation our loved one is in is not short lived. It takes a conscious decision every day to choose to believe God, and as we do that we are able to do so wholeheartedly. 

 Dear Father, 

I choose to believe that you are able to care for my loved one, and that their choices do not disqualify them from your incredible power. I lay them before Your throne and trust You to do what only You can do. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me and my loved one. 

In Jesus Name,





The Often Forgotten Gift of Mercy

Matthew 5:7 - “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."

 When you think back on the last year, have you thought about all the mercy that has been shown you, not only by God but also by people?

 It is a wonderful gift we give as we extend mercy to each other. I for one, seem to need that mercy more than I wish. How often I say too much, or I am too blunt and fail to demonstrate mercy. This is particularly true in my conversations with those closest to me.

 I think of times where mercy has been extended when I fell short of what I “shouda, coulda” but didn’t do.  I definitely could have taken time and done acts of kindness but I stayed home, read a book, watched a show or whatever else required little energy. Don’t get me wrong, I did do kind things, but there were some things God was asking me to do, and I ignored Him. He showed me mercy.

 I am also grateful for the mercy of strangers. As I was leaving church one day, I hit this BMW, of all cars.  I do not know what I was thinking but I drove away and then thought, “what am I doing?!” I parked and ran down Queen Street as people were gathering. In fact one girl was filming.!  I told the fellow it was me! “I am so sorry, please forgive me.” The damage was minimal; I broke the frame holding his licence. I gave him my cell number so he could text me the cost of the repair. But he typed in the wrong number as I did not receive a text so I went and gave him my number again. I think he was surprised.  Over text, I took the opportunity to apologize one more time.  He must have forgiven me, as he never told me what I owed him. I was very thankful for his mercy.

 I am thankful that God extends forgiveness and mercy, and that people do as well. I know we are human, and we fail.  We will never be perfect in this lifetime, try as we might. We are all in need of much mercy, both from God and people.

 Today, I simply wanted to say how thankful I am for all the various brands of mercy I was shown. We can’t purchase mercy; it is a gift given freely. I pray that in the new year, we will each have mercy in abundance so we can bless others with it, even as we receive it. Extending mercy is a beautiful way to trample seeds of bitterness lest they take root.

 God bless you, my dear reader. May He give to you and all those you love, much love and wisdom and mercy in the year to come.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for Your incredible mercy.  Thank you as well for the mercy people have shown to me this past year. I pray that in the year to come, I will be quick to show mercy when that is what is needed.

 In Jesus Name,


Final Thoughts and lessons of 2024

Learning from days gone by is never a waste of time in my mind. Here are a few thoughts I have as I reflect on the year that we have all lived.

 Top Lesson of the Year.

I have struggled to speak up for myself, asking people – especially my adult children, what I would like/need. I have learned they are not mind readers and I need to speak up and ask what I would like, especially in regard to time. Last week, I asked my son if he would go for a walk with me. “Sure” he said and so we did. It was wonderful.

 Favorite Book of the Year that fed my soul.

 My husband, Bill, encouraged me to read books this year that would challenge me to  grow deeper in my faith. I read River Dwellers by Rob Reimer. What a great book - it inspired me to seek God in a deeper way.  My next read is The Bait of Satan by John Bevere.

 Highlight of the year

 Seeing our book, Hope for an Unwanted Journey, find its way into the hands of people who have benefitted from it.  We hear testimonies from many who have found hope in the painful journeys they walk with loved ones. So encouraging!

 My favorite memory

 I have so many wonderful memories. Top of the list is when our son Andrew became engaged to his wonderful girlfriend, Julia Koch. She is a wonderful girl who loves Jesus and loves Andrew.  In addition, times with my kids and grandkids are always way up there with me. I loved doing OMA’ S Sunday school with my grands. Sharing my faith and love for Jesus will always be important to me. I am extremely thankful my kids allow me to do this.

 What I am looking forward to .

  1.        Andrew getting married!

2.        My 10th grandchild being born in March!

3.        Living one day at a time, learning to go deeper in my faith

4.        Learning to be better at Pickle Ball!!

5.        Enjoying each day with my husband Bill who is a precious gift to me.

6.        I hope that I can be a great Oma to my grandkids and a mom to my adult kids that does not drive them crazy!

I would love to hear your list! Happy New Year and God Bless You!


One Helpful thing to remember as we get ready for Christmas Gatherings!

 When I read magazines, they are all about table settings, menus and stunning outfits you want to be seen in. All of these things add something to a celebration, but none of it matters if this one thing is missing.

 As Christians we celebrate Immanuel, God with us, being born in the manger; we welcome His presence. The Author of love came down to live among us and made a way for us to know God our Father. What a beautiful truth, but not my point at the moment.

 Here is the one thing: the way we navigate situations with difficult, over-sensitive loved ones matters. There is a saying, “ hurt people hurt people”. It doesn’t matter how nice your table settings are or how elaborate the menu you have worked so hard to prepare in great love for those dear to you is, it may not be a game changer for this loved one.

 You sit down to the table, say your prayer of thanksgiving and pass the food around. Then begins the conversations. This loved one speaks up and your stomach goes into a knot, you brace yourself. Surely Christian families are beyond this, but if we are being honest, we are all a work in progress, some more so than others. How do we navigate these moments?

 There are a few things that come to my mind. As much as we would love to control the response of everyone around the table only one thing is certain: the one person you have most control over, is you.

 I sat down this morning and wrote out 1 Corinthians 13:4-8A.” If we could apply the truth that our Lord laid out for us here, wow, what a difference we would experience,

 “ Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It aways protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

 This season, let us not only prepare the meal, but our soul and our mind. As we pray and seek God for help to respond with the wisdom and instruction of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, it does help. It is challenging when you have a loved one who looks at life through a cracked lens. How we respond can quiet them or make it worse. Proverbs 15:1 reminds us “ A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh answer stirs up anger.”

 Lastly, my husband Bill has a saying that I keep in mind, “ Not all truth needs to be spoken because not all truth is helpful.”

 Dear Father,

I give to you the gatherings I have with family and friends in the weeks to come. I ask in Jesus Name I will be filled with wisdom and Your love as I relate to all people. Help me be silent when I ought and speak when it is helpful. May Your love fill me, Father. I don’t have enough on my own, that is for sure! Thank you.

In Jesus Name,



 When I was praying last night, the Lord reminded me of these 4 truths in regard to loved ones who choose the fork in the road. Many of us have a loved one who was dedicated to God as babies, raised in the church, prayed over at night at children but still chose to walk on another road, seemingly disregarding much of what hey learned as children. For those who watch, it can be heartbreaking.

 As I watched one of my loved ones wander and wander, these were four truths we came back to time and time again. God’s promises are still true my friend, no matter what.

1.  In a battle, it is good to remember who it is we are truly at war with. It is not a war that is won by clever arguments. We love well and we pray according to Ephesians 6:10 -18Finally be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world...”

2. Regardless of what is happening with our loved one, the truth that they were given to God has not changed. This promise of God still stands, and we rest in it. God’s eye is still on your loved one, whether they believe it or not. John 10:29 My Father who has given them to me, is greater that all ; no one can snatch them out of my hand. “

 3.  No matter what we see from where we stand, According to God’s word, He is always working. We don’t know who God is putting in our loved one’s path. John 5:17 Jesus said “ My Father is always working to this very day, and I too am working”.

4. Lastly, don’t give up. Prayer is never a waste of your time. It is not pointless. I hear people say, “ all we can do is pray” , like I it is a last resort. Prayer is powerful. We have all seen God do mighty things in our lifetime and He is not stopping now. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer Romans 12:12

 My friend, whoever you think of when you consider a loved one who chose another road then the one you had hope and prayed for, remember these truths today. No one is beyond the reach of  our Good Shepherd. He is not lazy nor is He forgetful or uncaring. He is fully trustworthy and full of LOVE!

 Dear Father,

Thank you for these wonderful reminders of what is still true. I give my loved one today into your care. Thank you for whatever You are doing in their life regardless if it is evident to me or not. I trust You with them.

In Jesus Name,




The Power of the Name of Jesus!

I love to hear when God does great things. I especially love the testimony of someone I know who has witnessed firsthand the power of the Name of Jesus. 

Last week my son  was texting with his dad over his deep disappointment of not being able to return home for the weekend.  He works in the far north building houses in native communities.  Normally he is in for 3 weeks at a time, working 12 hours a day every day.  This run has been over 4 weeks already with another 2 to go, because of the urgency of the situation in this community.  He is exhausted and asked his boss to step out for the weekend.  Unfortunately the weather turned bad and first one plane and then another flew up to get him but couldn’t land because of poor visibility.  His effort at rest was scuttled.  This hit age old buttons in him making him feel forgotten and passed by.  Bill knew this and called him realizing what was going on that he might pray with him.  Our son was very low.

The phone connection was not great so after the prayer he texted the following:

“About 4 days being here, my hearing dissipated. Everyone had to repeat everything two or three times in order for me to understand them.  Guys were yelling at me so I’d hear them.  Been weeks now.Yesterday when you prayed, the strength in my legs (which isn’t much) gave out and I almost collapsed. Then something was pulled right off me.  Most significant was I literally felt my ears open.  In that exact moment I could finally hear birds and more machines and my guys talking on the other side of the lot.Then the strength returned to my legs 10 fold, my back straightened, and the exhaustion was gone.  I’m still tired but I’m not exhausted.  I got it in me to finish 2 more weeks.  1 school done.  Now I gotta get these 4 houses finished.”  

Philippians 2:9-11: "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father"

As we come into the throne room today, what a wonderful reminder that as we pray in Jesus Name, there is great power assurance of victory! Praise the Name of Jesus! 

Dear Father,

I praise You for the privilege that is ours to pray in the mighty name of Jesus.  Such prayer is always powerful and life changing. Thank you for giving us such effectiveness in prayer and hope that dark situations can be turned around.

In Jesus Name,


When the Invited Guests Don’t Show Up!


Yesterday I spent quite a while cutting huge chunks of choice roast beef into nice slices so we could serve them to the dear people who come to our door. Many are homeless – all are poor.

 While I was cutting meat, my husband was heating up perogies, pasta, and carrots to complete the feast. Let me just say, the street friends with one voice said, “You guys have outdone yourselves today!”  Normally it is a bag lunch, sometimes chili or spaghetti. Never a meal like this.  These folks were very thankful.

 Someone very kindly donated 100 servings of this unbelievable meal. As I was standing there slicing this roast beef, I wondered what happened to the 100 people who did not show up for such an incredible meal.

 In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus tells the story of a king who was hosting a wedding  banquet. In those days, the word went out that the wedding feast was about to happen, and it would be ready soon! When all the preparations were complete, the invitation was sent out to all the guests!

 The trouble all started as the invited guests were too busy to show up and the excuses poured in. So, the “b” guest list was sent out but they too, sent their regrets. Too busy!  

 So, the king sent out the “c’ list.  This list included literally anyone willing to come. And come they did.  “So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.” (Matt. 22:6). Among the guests, there was one who showed up, not dressed properly for the wedding. He wanted the food, but not to honor the king and the gift that was offered.  They tossed him out! Jesus introduces this parable as reflecting the kingdom of God.

 To be invited to God’s table and enjoy all the riches there is our privilege and it should be accepted as the gift that it is. God is not lucky to have us! It is our privilege to be a part of His family. May we come humbly and with thankful hearts. What a gift to be invited to such a rich banquet every day!  Spread the word! Everyone is invited.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for the gift of salvation. I know that it is by grace, and I did not earn it. Thank you for inviting me.  It is such a privilege.  I pray that You would give me the opportunity to invite someone else today!

 In Jesus Name,




5 Things we Could do When the Path Before us is Hidden

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3: 5,6

 How many times have we found ourselves in a quandary, trying to figure out what is the way forward?  I have faced it in relationships with people dear to me and in those seasons when  the next steps in my life are far from clear.

 The path forward can become obscured for many reasons. It could be that it is simply not the right time, and we find ourselves in the place of waiting. There are times where fear can act as a hinderance as to what is the next right thing. I have faced situations where the way forward seemed so clear until I heard something from a trusted person and their words stopped me right in my tracks.

 I have often found as I slow down, pick up my journal and favorite pen, that God has helped me see things more clearly, perhaps in my life or in the lives of those who are causing me confusion.  

 Asking the right questions is very helpful.

1. God, am I taking the wrong fork in the road? 

2. Are You asking me to wait?

3. Is there someone You want me to talk to?

 I love the advice in Proverbs 3:5-6.

1.   Trust in the Lord - believe Him, depend on Him

2.    With all your heart – not just a little bit or even most of your heart, but fully. I find I am best able to do that as I practice giving over my dilemma and say thank You Father for hearing me. Thank you that You will show me the way.

3.   Do not lean on your own understanding – None of us ever see the full picture. God does. He knows the details we are not privy to. He knows the plans He has for us for the days to come and He understands people like we never will.  

4.    In ALL your ways acknowledge Him – We must make certain that there is no part of our life that is godless.  Even when we are fearful, confused, angry, frustrated.  Acknowledging His presence in times of uncertainty is not only comforting but helpful in determining the next step. Know this, He is with you whether or not you feel it.

5. He will direct your paths - I love that there is not an age limit on this promise. It applies all the days of our life. He promises to direct our paths, and we need to believe Him and wait for Him to show us the way forward.

 Dear Father,

Thank you for Your word which truly serves as a lamp to my feet. Where my faith is small today, in certain areas, I ask that You would increase it. Where wisdom and patience are in short supply, I ask that You would give me all that is needed. Show me the way forward. Thank you.

 In Jesus Name,


The Wonderful Effect of God’s Nearness to Us.

. “When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comfort delights my soul.”

Psalm 94:19( NASB 2020)

 Bad news or hard-to-hear news is never easy to receive. Yet, it is part of life. We have no end of stories that would apply.

 If there is one thing I can successfully allow to multiply in my mind it is anxious thoughts. One anxious thought leads to another. Worst case scenarios are not far away. Perhaps you can relate. Where this is the case, there are no end of large hurdles one must somehow get over.  And if this happens at night, it’s even worse.

 It can truly feel like my foot is slipping from the “rock” on which I have stood for so long. As I think about various difficult situations, people or disappointments, that is when my foot begins to slip for I fear what is next.

 This verse however leads me to a different place - “Your comfort delights my soul.” How does this happen?

 I will tell you this, at least for me, it is not automatic. I practice the following.  First, ‘Be still and know that I am God.’  I try to stop the circuitous and dead-end thinking. It has to stop and only I can stop it.  Second, I bring God to mind.  I consider His greatness.  Sometimes, simply reflecting on the greatness of God puts my heart at ease. He is high and lifted up; so much greater than me.  It leads me to worship Him, even in the quiet of the night.  Third, I call to mind His nearness.  He is both infinitely great and very near.  He says, ‘Do not fear, for I am with you.  Do not be anxious; I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.’ (Isaiah 41:10) He is near to those who call out to Him, near to the broken hearted, near to the humble. 

 In all of this, we say thank you to the Father. God sees the challenges you face. He knows the hurdles you must cross and promises to meet you there. Take comfort today that God loves you and, though His greatness is unsearchable, He is near to you.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for the beauty of Your word and the comfort of Your presence. Thank you for Your faithfulness and that I can trust you with what I don’t understand and what scares me. You are good and fully trustworthy. I give You the situations that are troubling me today. I lay each one down at Your feet and thank You for hearing me as I pray.

 In Jesus Name,







The Priority Switch

 I have been a pastors’ wife for almost 33 years. I remain surprised that God chose me for this as I have so often felt unqualified. Today when I was reading the scriptures this verse jumped out at me: “Jesus turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns!’” Mathew 16: 23.

I know... weird hey? I took time to talk this over with God this morning and asked Him what was up with this verse. Why are you pointing it out to me? Wasn’t this just to Peter, surely it could not be about me too? Peter was not interested in seeing Jesus die on the cross, he did not understand the big picture or God’s purposes. It took a while for me to understand where the Spirit was going with this!

 In ministry, and I am sure it is true for all of us, it is not hard to get God’s priorities and mine mixed up. It is easily done in this “me first”, “you matter” culture we live in. We do for sure matter to God but that does not mean we put our goals or agendas ahead of God’s.

 I remember years ago, we had this person who would play the drums and it drove me batty. I was complaining to God about it during a service. You see, I usually sit at the front beside my husband, so the drums were especially loud in our small space. Do you know what the Lord said to me?! “Move to the back”. I seriously could not believe it. That was not what I was expecting Him to say.

 Today, the Lord just gave me a gentle nudge reminding me that His agenda and mine are not always the same. I wonder if you can relate somehow to what I am saying here. I asked the Lord to show me where in my life I have gotten my priorities and His mixed up and I’m working already to straighten things out.

 Dear Father,

I know You have priorities and so do I. Forgive me when mine get in the way of what You have planned and want to have happen. Give me wisdom to respond as I should when  You tap me on the shoulder this next week. Thank you, Father,

In Jesus Name,





The First 2 Things I Tell Discouraged Parents.

 “What sorrow awaits those who argue with their Creator. Does a clay pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, ‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’ Does the pot exclaim, ‘How clumsy can you be?’”

Isaiah 45:9 NLT

 When I speak to parents or individuals who are overwhelmed by sorrow and hopelessness, there are two things especially I like to tell them.

 1.      God is not finished yet. We despair sometimes as we watch a loved one make choices in their life that are far from wise. We long to give advice and take whatever control we can. When they were kids that is one thing, but they are grown up now and very possibly, not asking for our input or help.  Prayer is the only helpful option left available to us. A few years ago, I was feeling quite a bit of despair because of choices that were being made by a loved one. As I was rolling around in hopelessness and despair, the Lord spoke to me: “This is not the sum of my work”. I will never forget that, and I continue to remind myself if I am slipping into despair that God is not finished. He does not leave the work of His hands, half done.

2.      In sorrow, I have heard many people (parents especially) almost ready to give up on praying for their loved one. The Devil would love it if we bought into the lie that prayer is a waste of God’s and our time. Prayer always matters and God is constantly at work, whether we can see it or not. Prayer is never a waste of our time. God moves mountains and it is done through prayer. Alfred Tennyson reminds us that, “more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of”.

 Isaiah 45:9 reminds us that God is the potter, and He knows what He is doing. I remember one of my granddaughters showing me some unfinished pottery from her pottery class, the thought of judging her unfinished work never crossed my mind! In the same way, as we look at what is happening in the life of one who is dear to us, their choices or whatever it may be. Remember, God is not finished yet. We have to give our loved one over to God and trust them with the Potter, to do what He knows best to do. And pray. Jesus said in Matthew 19:26 “With man this is  impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” That, my friend, is good news!

 Dear Father,

Thank you for always being at work with my loved one! Thank you that you are not finished yet. I choose to leave them in your hands today. Thank you that I can pray for them and entrust them to your care.

In Jesus Name,




First Things First!

Enter His gates with thanksgivingand His courts with praise.Give thanks to Him and bless His name”. Psalm 100:4


It is easy to get into the habit of rushing into God’s throne room to tell Him all about what is grabbing at your heart and mind now, without first beginning with Thanksgiving. I have found this to be true in my own life. This morning, I felt like the Spirit tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me, “start with giving thanks.” I took that to heart and began thinking about what it is I should thank God for. My husband Bill has encouraged me (especially on those days it is hard to know what to be thankful for) to ask God. So, today that is what I did and here is my list.

 Father, thank you for:

 1. Strength to do the things I have to do, and don’t really want to.

 2. The way You are taking care of all the loose ends in my life.

 3. Taking care of the things around me that frankly, look impossible from where I stand. I know that with You, all things are possible.

 4. Thank You for Your abiding presence in every season of my life.

 5. Today I am thankful that You know what I need even before I ask.

 6. My family and friends who make my life richer every day.

 7. My grandchildren. They light up my life in so many ways.

 8.. Thank You for the Fall and the beauty in it and new opportunities each season brings.

 9. For books! I love to read, and Fall is a great season to read!!

 10. Thank You Father, this list is not complete because You have given me so much to be thankful for. It could be SO LONG!

 Dear Father,

You are faithful in every season and thanksgiving needs to be in my life every day. I thank You for this important reminder. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that speaks and leads us.

 In Jesus Name,






Two Great Reminders from this week!


There are two important things I was reminded of this week. The first one came to me when I was reading Nehemiah. In the first chapter, Nehemiah had just arrived in Jerusalem, which was not rebuilt yet.  There it reads, “I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem.” (Neh. 1:12)

 I was thinking back to the times in my life where God had put something in my heart to do and the impact of those ideas. God does give us ideas.  When He places them in our hearts, we must act on them. Sometimes they take great courage, other times, not so much. It can be something as small as an act of kindness which is not a huge deal, except perhaps to the recipient. Or it can be something big, like writing a book or making a change that really was not on your radar. The fruit of our decision is not always known to us.  In my experience, when I have had the privilege of knowing, I am pleasantly surprised by the impact of that one idea which God placed in my heart and which I then acted on.

 The second thing is this. I had just sat down to pray for one of my kids and, honestly, had no idea how to pray for them.  I just knew that I wanted to pray for them.  Then I was reminded, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”(Romans 8:26)  Sometimes He gives us words and precise prayers.  At other times, all we feel is a great burden and deep love.  Either way, He is helping us.  I am so thankful that we don’t always have to worry about what the exact prayer should be, because the Spirit will take care of that as I just lay my loved one down and trust God to do what is best.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for the way you remind us of important truths. Thank you for planting ideas in our hearts and for helping us in our prayers when we don’t know what to say.

In Jesus Name,


Hope the Days When the Waves are Overwhelming!

“’Yes, come’ said Jesus.”  So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink.  “Save me Lord!” he shouted.  Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You of little faith, why did you doubt me?” Matthew 14: 29-31

 I can honestly say I have never walked on water, but I am familiar with that sinking feeling. The wind and the waves of life can become too much for anyone.

 When I was younger, I would climb mountains. They were very high and the hike was challenging. While I was in decent shape, I definitely came to the end of my own resources and had to call out to God. He met me there. He did not take me off the mountain but gave me strength for the climb.

 Bill and I have ministered for 31 years now at the  same church.  Part of the ministry is to the streets of Toronto.  We have  loved it but, let me say, it does not come without its challenges. Lately, ministry has felt like the wind and the waves are battering against us and I find myself calling out to Jesus to save us. I know He will. We are where He wants us, and His eye is upon us. I also know He is faithful.

 We go through seasons in our lives where the wind is particularly hard.  As Peter called out to our Lord to save him, the same invitation is given to you and I. He loves us and does not forget us. He will reach out and help us. It does not mean that He will always remove us from the storm, but He will give us what is needed for this season we find ourselves. He helps us take our eyes off the situation before us and put them onto Him. That is when we find hope for what we are facing.

 Perhaps you are dealing with a loved one who is suffering or maybe it is you. My prayer for you today it that as you call out to Him, He will reach down and pull you up and your eyes will look upon Him - not on the wind and the waves.

 Dear Father,

 You see me in every season of life.  You are faithful.  As I call to you today, I ask You to rescue me. I need You to intervene! Thank you.

 In Jesus Name,
