“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:12,13
There is a certain pleasure parents experience when they come in through the door to find that their kids have done exactly as they were asked in their absence. I think of moments like those as the victory moments as a parent.
As I reflect on Philippians 2:12-13, Paul is encouraging us, even when he is not around, to work hard to prove our salvation and it is not something that is done casually, rather in fear and trembling.
In this passage, I think of those seasons in my life when I have walked through deep valleys, or times when I have just been racked with unanswered questions and prayers. The conversations I have had with God in those seasons are, I believe, the ones that caused the roots of my faith to grow deeper in that soil of salvation. On the one hand I have trusted God with outcomes but on the other, I have wrestled deeply and even had to work hard. There is nothing about this process that allows me to be passive though it is God who is at work. Our faith is seldom passive.
The things that God has begun in me engage me to the depths of my being. Learning to love as He loves, to forgive generously, to pray without ceasing, to give thanks in all circumstances all are deeply challenging, issues in which I am deeply involved and simply flow out of the fact that I belong to Him.
Anyone who wants to build muscle, knows they cannot go to the gym just to walk around and look at the weights. They must pick them up and do the hard work of repetitions that are painful and leave one exhausted afterwards. It’s the same with our faith. It is not developed on the bleachers. No passivity here.
Dear Father,
Thank you that You are at work in my life to fulfil Your purposes. I want to keep step with You. Help me apply myself in faithful obedience to these very things. Forgive me for being passive, thinking You would do it all. I trust You.
In Jesus name