Below you will find ten things that drive girls crazy on a date, or even a guy they are just dating. I asked a few young women to give me their top 5. This is what they had to say.
1. Avoid eye contact-there is nothing worse then feeling like I am talking to your food rather then you.
2. Being too romantic. The best relationships begin as friends first. Don't rush things. It won't help you.
3. Choosing the wrong conversation topic - Guys are notorious for choosing uncomfortable conversation topic... avoid controversial topics. At least on a first date!
4. Never bring up past relationships - Doesn't seem as though they have moved on, and they are simply a filling in time with you.
5. Checking their phone frequently - Makes the date seem unimportant and that they have somewhere else to be!
6. Compliments - Guys tend to feel that girls need to be flattered continuously. We are strong and independent, and we know that we look good on the date. One compliment is enough. Two max.
7. When boys act dramatically different around their guy friends compared to when they are with you.
8. When they send mixed messages. 
They make me think they are really interested in me, but actually, they are not or visa verse.
9. When they are too flirty with all girls.
10 When they think they can put their arm around me or kiss me. Ask.