6 Reasons Dating a NON – Christian is a not so great idea, when you are a Christian.

 6 Reasons Dating a NON – Christian is a not so great idea, when you are a Christian.

It would be easier to tell you that it is a wonderful idea to just date whoever you want. When you are a Christian, it is different. Here are a few reasons. I hope it is helpful.

1.    Jesus says in 2 Cor. 16:4- “Do not be yoked with an unbeliever.”  If Jesus is who you are following and you have given your life to that, then it is appropriate to assume He is the most important person in your life.
To date a non-Christian would therefore make no sense. Jesus is not a hobby or just an interest, if that were the case, than it would make sense to date a non-Christian because in a relationship, both people will have different hobbies and interests. However to follow Jesus means giving up your life and becoming joyfully obedient to the plans He has for you. To be in a relationship with someone who isn’t on that journey will certainly hinder that process for you.

2.    The person you are dating is a big deal in your life. If they do not share your faith, they will have a hard time helping you grow closer to Christ as your best friend and Savoir.You may try and convince yourself that you can still grow and follow Jesus with this person, and that is just not the case.

3.    There will be areas of your life, you cannot share. For example, you are struggling at school. You ask your best friends to pray for you and they will if they share your faith, they see the value of prayer. A person who does not know Christ will have nice thoughts for you. That won’t change anything.

4.  Even if this person you want to date is the nicest you have ever met, does not make it what God has for you.  If you end of falling in love and wanting to get married, now what? You have a lifetime of going to church alone, sharing what is dearest to your heart alone. If the day comes and you and your now husband have children, a new challenge rises. How are you raising them? With faith, no faith a bit of faith?

5.  When there are cool things going on in your church and you would love to invite your important person, but they are not comfortable or interested. So, you go…. But you cannot go see them the next day and share about the neat things you learned or what you really believe God said to you. They might be very happy for you, but that is where it would end. That is sad.

6.  A relationship in God’s eyes is two people pursuing him individually outside of marriage and together within marriage. If we believe everything we do including our relationships is to be for God’s glory, than that cannot happen if one of you doesn’t even believe in giving God glory.

There are likely more reasons then I have said here. But you get the idea.