The world is full of opinions and convictions, I have my own collection that I developed over the years. In the past few months with the challenges the world is facing, it takes one brief read of the world news to develop all kinds of opinions and convictions on health, behavior, and the wisest way forward. I think everyone has lots to say about all kinds of things these days.
As a parent though, especially as a grandparent, the wisdom to know when silence is best is invaluable. If you could buy that kind of thing in the store, the cost would be outrageous. Its value has no measure.
Proverbs 13:3 says “He who guards his lips, guards his life, but he who speaks rashly, comes to ruin.”
It is easy to jump to the conclusion “but if I don’t say something, nothing will ever change”. At times, that is true. The next question one needs to ask is this, who is it that should say anything? Sometimes it is our place to say something. Many times, especially as a grandparent, silence is wisest. Unless we are being asked point-blank, it is wise to say nothing. Sometimes silence is louder than words.
I was in a situation recently, with thoughts bursting in my head, somehow God in His quiet way reminded me that this issue that was gnawing at me, is His battle and not mine. I have been giving it over to God every single time it starts nagging me. It allows me to just be silent and trust that God hears my prayers which all me to thank Him that He because has it well in hand.
May God Himself give you the wisdom to know what battles are His to fight and which are your own. He is always willing to assist us no matter what!