With my phone in hand, I want to text or call one of my kids( they are all grown up by the way) or a friend. Surely they won't mind if I just text or even phone them and ask how their day is going? Then I wonder to myself- " Why are you hesitating? "I stop and come to the realization that their are days I feel like a bother to people; even people who I know love me.
I trace the thoughts in my head and I hear things like " they are very busy Donna, don't bother them. They will think you are needy or something. Or maybe they will think " this woman needs more to do in her life."
You may think " this is crazy; why would anyone think like this. I am pretty sure I am not alone. Many who are parents of adult children with busy lives will tell you something similar. Sometimes it is the belief that you really are not all that important- self esteem is at the low end of the spectrum.
On the good new front, I don't think like this every day- but I do some days.
I was praying about my " I feel like a bother" thinking. I was reading in Matthew Chapter 7:1 it tells us " Do not judge". I always think about that in quite a different context. This time I could hear the Lord gently saying "you should not judge others on how they think when you contact them. It is wrong of you to come to such a conclusion. " It changed the way I was thinking. I asked the Lord to forgive me for my judgments and He gave me peace.
Maybe I am being ridiculous, maybe I am not. I thought " well if I feel like this, I am sure there are others that do as well."
What to take away from this simple blog today? If you struggle as I do; don't assume. If this is never your struggle, it may be someone you know. Maybe the next call or text you receive say something like- "it is so good to hear from you!" If nothing else, you will warm someone's heart today.