God is different. He never walks away.
They say that how your earthly Father behaves will be reflected in your perception of God. I have spent a good part of my life with the fear that Jesus would walk away in times of trouble.
My dad walked out on us when I was 10 years old. His choice was to give up drinking or leave and he left. That is often a common story of the addict- whether is is drugs or alcohol. They leave behind them a wake of broken hearted people who love them desperately.
God is not an addict. He is not one to walk away. He does not carry a cell phone which He checks constantly while you are pouring your heart out to Him. Psalm 46 reminds me that He is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Matthew 28:20 reminds me that Jesus is indeed with me " always to the end of the age". Psalm 119:89-90 "Your word, Lord is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues though all generations; you establish the earth and it endures."
God never walks out the door in good times or bad. He is faithful and fully trustworthy. He is attentive to our cry for help. He sees our fears and is familiar with all our ways. Be encouraged, God is very different and in all good ways!
God knows I jump to old ways of thinking quite quickly. It is at times and His Spirit reminds me that He is very present. I see Him intervene in remarkable ways. He knows how much I can take in a day. Sometimes I think it should be a little less- yet He gives me strength and wisdom.
If you had a great dad, then I am happy for you. This struggle perhaps is not yours, but it is many other peoples. If you had a dad who was a disappointment in whatever way- please know the your Heavenly Father is different. He is not displeased with you. You can win with Him. He does not walk away and He will never never give up on you. His love for you is as sure as the sun rising and setting each day. Even behind the clouds that fill the sky today- the sun shines just as brightly behind the clouds, just like God's faithful abiding presence in your time of trouble.