When Listening Really Counts!

“ Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” James 1:19b

While driving home a few days ago, I saw a big Winnabagos hauling a car behind it. Bill’s father told us that once he saw a guy driving a Winnebago and also, hauling a car behind it. They were driving on a narrow highway with a steep hill beside them. Bill’s parents watched as the guys’ car became detached and went rolling down the steep hill. Immediately Bill’s dad sped up to tell the guy. As they tried earnestly to get the guys’ attention, he just sped up. I am sure he thought they were just plain nuts! This went on for a while. Finally, the Winnebago guy relented and pulled over. His parents explained to the guy his car was down in the valley miles back. It would have been much simpler for the fellow if he had just listened sooner.

How many times have we been in that same situation? We were given the opportunity to listen but chose not to and those times come usually at some cost to ourselves or others. Here are a few instances that came to my mind as I was pondering this. I know there are many more that could be added to the list regardless, here is my today’s list.

  1. When we fail to listen to clear instructions by a health practitioner.

  2. When someone tells me a better and smarter way to do something yet, I prefer to do it my way, which is harder and more work. Just because we have done things one way for many years, does not mean it is the best way.

  3. I have lost count I how many times I have told myself to grab a sweater just in case and didn’t. I spent most of the hours that followed freezing! I dislike being cold!!

  4. When the Lord tells you something you need to do or stop doing, and you fail to do so. While the others on my list are worth remembering, this one point is the most important. God sees what we do not.

  5. When we choose to speak and when staying silent would have been so much wiser. There is a time to speak and a time to not. When it is time to speak, to have the wisdom to know when enough has been said!

  6. My 2 sons wanted me to add when you see the sign that reads “Do not climb the electric fence “, you are wise to listen!

Dear Father,

Thank you for the opportunities that will come my way today to listen. I ask that I will have the wisdom to listen to what matters. Not everything I hear is wise and I ask you for wisdom to discern. Thank you Father.

In Jesus Name,
