The Often Forgotten Gift of Mercy

Matthew 5:7 - “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."

 When you think back on the last year, have you thought about all the mercy that has been shown you, not only by God but also by people?

 It is a wonderful gift we give as we extend mercy to each other. I for one, seem to need that mercy more than I wish. How often I say too much, or I am too blunt and fail to demonstrate mercy. This is particularly true in my conversations with those closest to me.

 I think of times where mercy has been extended when I fell short of what I “shouda, coulda” but didn’t do.  I definitely could have taken time and done acts of kindness but I stayed home, read a book, watched a show or whatever else required little energy. Don’t get me wrong, I did do kind things, but there were some things God was asking me to do, and I ignored Him. He showed me mercy.

 I am also grateful for the mercy of strangers. As I was leaving church one day, I hit this BMW, of all cars.  I do not know what I was thinking but I drove away and then thought, “what am I doing?!” I parked and ran down Queen Street as people were gathering. In fact one girl was filming.!  I told the fellow it was me! “I am so sorry, please forgive me.” The damage was minimal; I broke the frame holding his licence. I gave him my cell number so he could text me the cost of the repair. But he typed in the wrong number as I did not receive a text so I went and gave him my number again. I think he was surprised.  Over text, I took the opportunity to apologize one more time.  He must have forgiven me, as he never told me what I owed him. I was very thankful for his mercy.

 I am thankful that God extends forgiveness and mercy, and that people do as well. I know we are human, and we fail.  We will never be perfect in this lifetime, try as we might. We are all in need of much mercy, both from God and people.

 Today, I simply wanted to say how thankful I am for all the various brands of mercy I was shown. We can’t purchase mercy; it is a gift given freely. I pray that in the new year, we will each have mercy in abundance so we can bless others with it, even as we receive it. Extending mercy is a beautiful way to trample seeds of bitterness lest they take root.

 God bless you, my dear reader. May He give to you and all those you love, much love and wisdom and mercy in the year to come.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for Your incredible mercy.  Thank you as well for the mercy people have shown to me this past year. I pray that in the year to come, I will be quick to show mercy when that is what is needed.

 In Jesus Name,
