
The Hard Stuff


Today I was thinking about the hard stuff of life. Those things we should do, but frankly they are too difficult. It is easier to talk about running than to actually go running. It is simpler to speak about forgiveness than to truly forgive someone.

There are many things in life that are hard to do and so we dismiss them. I have made promises I need to follow through on and have not as of yet. There are books I should read that remain unopened. I also have projects I would like to begin but have not found the time to do so. Our getting around to these difficult things can be a real challenge.

What is it that stands in our way? Today I was reading Romans 8:37-39. These verses remind us that “we are more than conquerors through Him (Jesus) who loved us.” There is nothing that is too hard on my to-do list that through Jesus I cannot complete. He is with me and nothing can ever separate me from His love, His promises, His strength, His wisdom, His peace, and His presence. He is always with me. On this truth I stand and from this perspective I face each challenge as it arises.

Yesterday was the 14th anniversary of my mother’s passing. The anniversary of her death is a very difficult time for me, a valley. Yet, as December 6th comes and goes, I am reminded that the Good Shepherd never leaves me. His peace that surpasses all understanding is right here with me amidst the sorrow and the crushing loss I feel because of the loss of my late mother.

" I AM Here!"

More than once I have been in a boat with waves so high I feared for my life. In John 6: 16- 21 we find the disciples battling high waves. They were rowing hard. It is out of the wind and the waves to the voice of Jesus is heard “Do not be afraid, I am here!” (Vs. 20)

Jesus knows that when things seem out of control, fear quickly swells in the hearts of people. He does not rebuke the disciples for the fear; He simply reminds them (while walking on water) that He is here.

I also find it curious as we read about Jesus walking on water, (not an everyday sight certainly) the waves are high and the wind must have been blowing considerably to create that height of waves. It was not a quiet, calm night our Lord walked out to His disciples. The conditions were rough for boating let along walking on water!

In our life and ministry, we find ourselves facing many challenges and sometimes fear rises quickly, remember that the One who walks on water calls to you and me with the same words “ Do not fear, I am here!”

He never leaves us and He continues to give us what is needed for every situation we face.

Jesus had not told the disciples while still standing on the beach “ Do not be afraid, I am with you”. It was not until the waves were high and getting to the other side seemed impossible those words of encouragement were given.

This same truth is just as true today, as it was that day on that remarkable day on the sea.