sleepless night

A Parent's Sleepless Night

 I lay in my bed most of the night praying- waiting for the sound of our son coming home and stumbling once again up the stairs. What mattered was not the stumbling, it was that he was home. 

The next day, I get up heavy hearted but relieved wondering when will this nightmare be finished. I had no energy to do anything. That afternoon I was to go to an outreach into our neighbourhood where we share the love and hope that only Jesus can bring. I felt nothing. 

I phoned my husband Bill from the gym where we do our outreach in tears. I did not know how I was suppose to love all these  beautiful kids feeling like I was. Yet I knew that was what I was called to do. Bill said to me something I will never forget. " Our son is not the centre of our lives, Jesus is". Then he prayed with me. Honestly, the heaviness and despair slipped away. I felt peace fill my heart. 

Regardless of the challenges facing a family, whatever the sickness, it is very easy to make that loved one the centre. Jesus is always the centre. He is the Rock upon which we stand and gain wisdom, strength and the hope to press on. It is easy to let other things or people to take centre stage in our life, but Jesus really needs to be the centre if we are going to navigate this path we find ourselves on. 

Keep Him centre.