The Grudge Room


If we think of our soul as a house, it has several rooms. As we stroll through, some rooms are noticeably happier looking than others. There is, however, one room that is occupied quietly or perhaps not so quietly, and that is the grudge room. Some will say they have no grudge room and to you, I say, “that is great. I wish I could say the same!”

I would like to think I am not one to keep a grudge room, but I know it is not true. I was reading the scriptures this morning and was reminded of a serious warning that Christ gave in regard to forgiveness of sin. In Mark 11:25 he says that” when we stand praying and remember that we hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so your Father in Heaven may forgive your sins”.

When I read this I thought to myself “ well, I am holding no grudge whatsoever” and was ready to move right along. However, I took some time to really consider if I had some occupants locked in that grudge room that I had forgotten about. I was a little surprised when I saw who was sitting there waiting for me to release them. Jesus never gave permission to hold anyone captive, he simply asks that forgiveness is extended. So I took some time this morning to do this very thing.

I believe it is a good habit to keep going to check the “Grudge Room” and see if I have allowed someone to slip into it as the door locks behind them and only I have the power to release them. He also warns me that forgiveness flows from God as I forgive. So, forgive I must!

If there is one room that is good to have no clutter it is this room that some of us seem to have. Some people are better at keeping it clutter-free than others, but sometimes after quiet reflection, it may not be quite as clutter-free as you had thought. It is worth taking some time to take a good honest look.