How often I have caught myself saying these very words, “it is what it is” or” What’s a person to do?” As if we have no recourse. We just give in like we are being carried in a canoe with no paddles down a river as the current carries us.
Prayer is a bit like putting paddles in that river, a skilled canoeist can navigate around rocks even in rapids. They can also navigate remarkably high waves and if you put your paddle in at the height of the wave, and pull hard, you can move against the current. You have to dig deep into the water. No lily dipping as the term of pathetic paddling is called if you plan to make any progress.
When we find ourselves up against an evil day, faced with alarming news, we turn to Ephesians 6:10-18 “Finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” His schemes take many forms. They produce in us confusion, fear, discouragement and sometimes anger. If you read this passage, you see the armour that God gives to His people. He calls us to put it on- all of it.
Luke 1:37 reminds us that nothing is impossible to God.
What is gripping your heart today? Lay it at His feet. Nothing is too big or too small. This is one of the amazing things about God. Leave your burdens there and give thanks. You will never hear Him say to you “Oh, I am sorry my child; this burden is too much for Me.”
His throne room is open 24/7 and you are always welcome. However, don’t come emptying your backpack of burdens while you are harbouring resentment or things you have done that you know have grieved God. Forgive who you should forgive and confess to Him what you ought. This practice will give you a clear pathway to take all those burdens and lay every single one down.
He loves you and He sees you. We don’t have to just give up and join the choir of voices who say “ it is what it is.” Let’s go to God and ask Him to step in to whatever the situation. He is big enough!